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Marshall Goldsmith has a heart of Gold!

ICF Singapore Chapter is celebrating the International Coaching Week (May 16th to 20th, 2016) with a number of events – workshops, talks, panel discussions, laser coaching sessions, networking opportunities, and more.

A members-only dinner was organized last night with the Guru of Executive Coaching – Mr. Marshall Goldsmith, who completed energized and recharged the audience with his very engaging and entertaining style of presenting.  

At one point, he asked all the men in the room to walk out and did a 10 minutes presentation for only the Women.  The simplicity of the engagement enriched many souls as we all walked out with learning experience equivalent to golden nuggets. He told us to tell the Men – just two words – Empty Boat!  Am going to keep my word to him and not share more!  

A big warm heartfelt THANK You! to you Marshall for gracing the ICF Singapore Chapter and making us all coaches feel so blessed and grateful that we are in the profession that enriches lives of others!

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